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Keele University

Keele, Staffordshire, UK, ST5 5BG
+44 1782 621111

Platforma Edukacyjna - gotowe opracowania lekcji oraz testów.
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Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
English Language Support

If your first language is not English, or if you wish to attain a greater fluency in English, the English Language Unit offers a range of classes. No additional fee is charged for these classes.

As an international student you will be tested to assess your strengths and weaknesses in English. Specific skills classes are then offered to you to enable you to concentrate on areas which have been identified as needing improvement.

f you need a pre-sessional English language courses either at Keele or one of our approved colleges, please visit the relevant web pages below:

Learning Support and Academic Guidance Service

The Learning Support and Academic Guidance Service provides confidential advice about many aspects of studying at University. They also offer workshops, including time management and memory improvement techniques, and online study skills tutorials. For more information see the Learning Support and Academic Guidance website.

The Disability Services unit offers a wide range of support for students with various disabilities. The unit has a student resource centre providing advice and information, and students are welcome to make use of its equipment. For more information see the Disability Services website.

The Careers Service is available to help students make informed choices regarding their future. Its staff offer guidance, information and help with relevant skills-development and can help students to make appropriate plans and implement them successfully. The Careers Information Room holds information on occupations, UK employers, further study, vacation experience and much more. Whilst some of the information is available in booklet form, there is also free access to the Internet. For more information please visit the Careers Service website.

Student Support Services

Adjusting to a new environment can be difficult for all students but more so if you are thousands of miles from home. Whilst we hope that your time spent at Keele will be trouble-free, help is available should you have problems of an academic, financial or personal nature. Keele has an International Student Support Officer who can advise international students on a range of issues and help them to access the relevant support services at Keele. He can be contacted as follows:

John Morris
International Student Support Officer
42 The Covert
Keele University

Fax: +44 1782 583998

For students who choose to live on campus, each Hall of Residence has a team of Resident Tutors who can provide support and advice on practical and personal issues, or point you in the direction of someone who can help you if they are unable to.

The Counselling Service is run by professionally trained counsellors, both male and female, who have between them wide experience of counselling students from many different cultures and countries.

Whilst we strongly recommend you ensure, before leaving Keele, that you have the necessary funds available to support your stay here, should you run into difficulties financial advice is available from money advice workers based in the University.

The Students' Union, of which all full-time students are members, runs an Independent Advice Unit staffed by trained advisors offering confidential and impartial advice and support on a range of issues, including assistance with immigration issues and free legal advice.

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